Become part of the creation of the Dunard Centre by supporting this once-in-a-century mission to bring more music to more people. Your support will help lay the foundations for a new era of performance, creativity and collaboration in the heart of Edinburgh.
Each donation to our campaign forms a vital part of the creation of the Dunard Centre. Your support will join that of our key funders, the Scottish and UK Governments, Dunard Fund and the City of Edinburgh Council as well as the generous donations received from individuals and charitable trusts.
We invite you to get in touch to discuss how you can help us transform Edinburgh’s landscape and community for generations to come.
Contributing to the project represents a once-in-a-century opportunity to play a part in transforming Edinburgh’s provision for performers and for audiences. We hope that you will help in the founding of Dunard Centre.
IMPACT Scotland is a registered charity, accepting grants, gifts in cash or shares and legacies. Tax-effective gifts may be made to IMPACT Scotland and donors may themselves benefit from the tax advantages of charitable giving.
Please contact us to learn more about the project and discuss how you can help.
If you are a UK tax payer, you may support the project by making a Gift Aid donation. This means that we may reclaim from HMRC the basic rate tax on your gift (at no cost to you). This increases the value of your gift, so that a gift of £100 is worth £125 to the campaign. For a higher-rate tax payer, you receive a tax advantage which represents the difference between the basic tax rate and your own. (Thus a £100 donation would represent a £75 "cost" to 40% tax payer).
If you are not a UK tax payer, a donation of cash, shares or property that may be realised for the benefit of the campaign is very welcome.
Leaving a legacy will ensure the Dunard Centre continues to thrive, generating a wealth of opportunities for people from all walks of life to discover the pleasures and benefits music can bring; joy that crosses communities and generations.
If you leave a gift to a charity such as IMPACT Scotland in your Will, its value will be deducted from your estate (your money, possessions and property) before Inheritance Tax is worked out. If your estate is liable to Inheritance Tax, you could reduce the amount due by choosing to give money to charity. You can choose to leave a specific gift of any size, or you can leave the residue or a fraction of your estate once family and friends have been looked after.
We recommend discussing your legacy plans with your family and contacting a qualified solicitor before making changes to your will. If you would like to arrange a confidential, informal conversation about making a gift in your will, please contact Director of Development, Jenny McNeely on 0131 370 1351 or
Our Legacy Information Pack may be useful to help you collect your thoughts and as a document you can take with you to a meeting with a professional will-maker.
Share giving can be amongst the most tax-effective means of support, especially if the shares have appreciated greatly in value in your ownership. Giving shares means you get Income Tax relief on the value of the shares as well as exemption from Capital Gains Tax on disposal. We can advise on the process and would be very pleased to receive financial support in this way.
Supporters in the USA may make tax-deductible gifts through a 501 (C) (3) incorporated organisation which is able to direct support to IMPACT Scotland.
For more information, please contact Jenny McNeely, our Development Director: