Dunard Centre

dunard centre

Singing from the Rooftops

Celebrating the City Region Deal

13 September 2023

We are thrilled that Dunard Centre is part of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal and count ourselves fortunate to be amongst a wide range of other inspiring and impactful projects across the region. 

Five years after it was signed by the Prime Minister and First Minister, the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal has already helped 15,000 people secure employment and improved the skills and knowledge of over 103,000 of the region’s citizens, with thousands more people to benefit in the years to come.

To mark the recent release of the Deal’s annual report we gathered together just a few of the people who are helping to make Edinburgh’s sensational new venue a reality, including award-winning Scottish singer-songwriter Beth Malcolm, who shared her excitement about the Dunard Centre. Thanks to Beth’s spirit of adventure (and Royal Bank of Scotland’s willingness to allow us to rove around their magnificent building at 36 St Andrew Square), we achieved a world first: a song performed on the roof of the iconic Banking Hall.

Thanks go to everyone involved in contributing to a successful day of filming but especially filmmaker Howard at Pretty Bright for grappling with curious (and occasionally aggressive) seagulls, the resonant clangs of heavy demolition and clearance machinery, and some typical Edinburgh weather – all four seasons in one day of filming.  

This is the first in a series of City Region Deal videos highlighting the people and organisations behind all the projects who have benefitted from the Deal. Future featured projects include data skills in primary schools, circular economy and low carbon in the Fife Innovation Zone, and a construction academy for members of the region’s Ukrainian community.

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