Dunard Centre

dunard centre

28 February 2018

The second community consultation event for The IMPACT Centre will take place on 15 March, 2018

IMPACT Scotland are hosting a second community consultation exhibition regarding proposals for land within Royal Bank of Scotland’s ownership at 36 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh. The proposals are for the demolition of a rear office block and associated works and erection of a music and performing arts venue (Class 11) and associated uses. The proposals will deliver a new music and performing arts venue, The IMPACT Centre, immediately behind Dundas House, (which comprises the Royal Bank of Scotland at 36 St Andrew Square). This will involve the demolition of the 1960s office block to the rear of the historic branch. The Royal Bank of Scotland’s branch at St Andrew Square will continue to operate as a stand-alone branch.

IMPACT Scotland will be holding the second of two public consultation events to inform the emerging proposals on Thursday 15th March at 35 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh EH2 2AD, between 3:00pm and 7:30pm.

We hope you can attend to learn more about the proposals and make your views known to inform these proposals. The public consultation events are being held in advance of the submission of a Detailed Planning Application to City of Edinburgh Council. If you are unable to attend and have any questions, please contact Elaine.Ravenscroft@impactscotland.org.uk

If you wish to make comments on the proposals, feedback forms will be available at the exhibition, online at www.impactscotland.org.uk , or you may do so in writing to Elaine Ravenscroft, IMPACT Scotland, 4 Royal Terrace, Edinburgh, EH7 5AB, or by email. Comments should be made no later than Friday 30th March 2018.

Please note that all comments sent to IMPACT Scotland in respect of this pre-application consultation are not representations to City of Edinburgh Council. There will be an opportunity to make representations to the Council when a formal application is made.

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